Letteratura consigliata
Qui di seguito potete trovare una lista di preziosi riferimenti riguardanti gioielli e gemme. Sono indicati i titoli italiani nei casi in cui le opere siano state pubblicate in italiano, mentre per le restanti compaiono i titoli inglesi. Buona lettura!
- Agricola Georgius, De Natura Fossilium, Dover Phoenix Editions, 1546.
- Bancroft Peter, Gem and Crystal Treasures, Western Enterprises, 1984.
- Bauer Max, Precious Stones, Dover Publications, 1968.
- Brown Richard S., Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismans, A.G.T. Co., Ltd., 1995.
- Castellani Augusto, Delle Gemme: Notizie Raccolte, Barbera, 1870.
- Church A. H., Precious Stones, H.M. Stationery Office, 1905.
- Dennis Jr. Daniel J., Gems, Harry N Abrams, Inc., 1999.
- Drucker Richard B., Gem Market News, GemWorld International, Inc.
- Drucker Richard B., The Gem Guide Colour, GemWorld International, Inc.
- Drucker Richard B., The Gem Guide Diamonds, GemWorld International, Inc.
- Farrington Oliver Cummings, Gems and Gem Minerals, A.W. Mumford, 1903.
- Federman David, Colored Stone, Interweave.
- Feuchtwanger Lewis, A Popular Treatise on Gems, D. Appleton & Co., 1859.
- Finlay Victoria, Jewels: A Secret History, Ballantine Books, 2006.
- Furya Masashi, The World of Gemstones: Paraíba Tourmaline, Japan Germany Gemmological Laboratory, 2007.
- Hughes Richard W., Ruby & Sapphire, R W H Publishing, 1997.
- Hurrell Karen & Johnson Mary L., Gemstones, Ivy Press, 2008.
- Keller Alice S., Gems & Gemmology, Gemmological Institute of America.
- Kornitzer Louis, Gem Trader, Sheridan House, 1939.
- Kunz George Frederick, The Curious Lore of Precious Stones, Bell Publishing, 1989.
- Linsell Gavin, Guide to Gems & Jewellery, GemsTV Holdings Limited, 2008.
- Lipatatpanlop Barbara & Michelou Jean Claude, The ICA 2006 World Colored Gemstone Mining Report, International Colored Gemstone Association, 2006.
- Lipatatpanlop Barbara & Michelou Jean Claude, The ICA World Gemmological Laboratory Directory, International Colored Gemstone Association, 2007.
- Lyman Kennie, Gems and Precious Stones, Simon & Schuster, 1986.
- Matlins Antoinette P.G., Colored Gemstones, Gemstone Press, 2005.
- Michelou Jean Claude, In Colour, International Colored Gemstone Association.
- Newman Renee, Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald Buying Guide, International Jewellery Publications, 2002.
- Newman Renee, Diamond Handbook, International Jewellery Publications, 2008.
- O’Donoghue Michael, Gems (Sesta Edizione), Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006.
- Oldershaw Cally, Gems of the World, Philips, 2008.
- Pellant Chris, Rocce e Minerali, Fabbri, 1994.
- Plinius Secundus Gaius (Plinio il Vecchio), Storia naturale. Libro 37º (Le gemme e le pietre preziose), redatto da C. Lefons, Sillabe, 1999.
- Schumann Walter, Guida alle Gemme del Mondo, Zanichelli, 2004.
- Simmons Robert & Ahsian, Naisha, The Book of Stones, North Atlantic Books, 2007.
- Sliwa Cynthia A. & Stanley, Caroline, Jewelry Savvy, Jewels on Jewels, Inc., 2007.
- Smith Herbert G.F., Gemstones and their Distinctive Characters, Kessinger Publishing, 1912.
- Smith Marcell Nelson, Diamonds, Pearls and Precious Stones, Griffith-Stillings Press, 1913.
- Soukup Edward J., Facet Cutters Handbook, Gems Guide Books Co., 1986.
- Streeter Edwin, Precious Stones and Gems, George Bell & Sons, 1898.
- Suwa Yasukazu, Gemstones, Quality and Value. Volumes 1-3, Sekai Bunka Inc., 2000.
- Vargras Glenn & Martha, Faceting for Amateurs, Glenn & Martha Vargras, 1969.
- Voloillot Patrick, Diamonds and Precious Stones, Thames and Hudson, 1997.
- Wallis Keith, Gemstones, Antique Collectors Club, 2006.
- Wise Richard W., Secrets of the Gem Trade, Brunswick House Press, 2006.
- Zoellner Tom, The Heartless Stone, St. Martin’s Press, 2006.